Grammy Award-winning Indian-American singer Falguni Shah, who goes by the stage name “Falu”, and who has penned a song on Millets with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, said that she and the entire Indian diaspora was “beyond excited” for the upcoming visit to the United States of the Prime Minister. “We are overjoyed that our Indian Prime Minister is coming to the US,” said Mumbai-born singer-songwriter, the face of the Indian diaspora in New York in an interaction with the reporters.
Sharing her experience of collaborating for the ‘Abundance in Millets’ song, performed by Shah and her husband and singer Gaurav Shah, Falguni said, “After I won a Grammy, he (PM Modi) was so graceful. He tweeted about it. When I was touring in India I got an invitation to see him in Delhi at his residence. We had a great, meaningful conversation about music for 20 minutes and the power of music.”