Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday that India would not only become self-reliant in defence matters, but would also become a major exporter in the sector. Speaking after laying the foundation stone of Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh State University in Aligarh, PM Modi said that Aligarh, which was known to manufacture locks for securing houses, would now play an important role in securing the country’s borders. “The university will focus on modern education and emerge as a hub for defence studies and defence research,” the PM said. The Prime Minister also visited exhibition models of the Aligarh node of the Uttar Pradesh Defence Industrial Corridor. UP Governor Anandiben Patel and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath were also present.

The PM said that there were several “unsung heroes” who sacrificed their lives during the freedom struggle of the country but it was unfortunate that their struggle was not known to the younger generations. While laying the foundation stone of the university, the PM said that 21st century India was rectifying the mistakes committed during the previous century. “There were many great personalities who sacrificed their everything during the freedom struggle of the country but their struggle stories have remained untold. Many generations do not know their stories. 21st century India is correcting those mistakes made during the 20th century.” “As a Prime Minister of the country, I feel privileged that I am laying the foundation stone of a university being built in the memory of a visionary and great freedom fighter like Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh,” PM Modi said.

The establishment of a Defence Industrial Corridor in Uttar Pradesh had been announced by the Prime Minister while inaugurating the Uttar Pradesh Investors Summit in Lucknow on 21 February 2018. A total of 6 nodes—Aligarh, Agra, Kanpur, Chitrakoot, Jhansi and Lucknow—have been planned in the Defence Industrial Corridor. In the Aligarh node, the land allocation process has been completed and land has been allotted to 19 firms, who will invest Rs 1,245 crore in the node.

The Defence Industrial Corridor of Uttar Pradesh will help in making the country self-reliant in the field of defence production and promoting “Make in India”.