Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday night addressed the nation from the Red Fort to mark the 400th birth anniversary of Guru Tegh Bahadur as part of the 400th Parkash Purab, and said that the nation was following in the path of the Sikh gurus. He also said that India had never attacked any country and that it was carving out its independent policy. He also made a strong push for Aatmanirbhar Bharat.

“I am happy that today our country is moving forward with full devotion on the ideals of our gurus. On this virtuous occasion, I bow at the feet of all ten gurus. Hearty congratulations to all of you on the occasion of Parkash Purab,” the Prime Minister said during his speech at the Red Fort. “Guru Tegh Bahadur stood against Aurangzeb. The Red Fort is witness to Aurangzeb’s atrocities. The Guru’s sacrifice protected our values,” he added.

“During that time, there was a storm of religious fanaticism. There were such people in front of India who had touched the zenith of violence and atrocities in the name of religion. India had found its hope in Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji to save its identity. In front of Aurangzeb’s tyrannical thinking, Guru Tegh Bahadur became ‘Hind di Chadar’ and stood like a rock. History and this Red Fort is proof that Aurangzeb and other tyrants like him might have slit the head, but they could not shake our faith,” the PM said.

“This Bharat-bhoomi is not only a country but it is our great heritage, a great tradition,” the PM said.

“The sacrifice of Guru Tegh Bahadur has inspired many generations of the country to live and die for the protection of culture and its respect. Vast empires crashed down, but India still stands. India is moving forward. Whenever a new challenge is posed, some great soul shows the way to this ancient country. I consider it a fortune of my government that we are getting the opportunity to do so much in service of the gurus,” he said.

In his fresh Aatmanirbhar Bharat push, PM Modi also invoked the inauguration of WHO Global Medical Centre


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