A diplomatic row unfolded between India and the Maldives, leading to the suspension of three Maldivian ministers after they made derogatory remarks about Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The controversy originated when a video of PM Modi on a Lakshadweep beach was posted by Maldivian minister Mariyam Shiuna, who later deleted the post. In response, the Deputy Minister of Youth Empowerment, Information, and Arts, Hassan Zihan, referred to PM Modi as a ‘clown’ and a ‘puppet of Israel,’ sparking outrage on social media.
The Maldives government swiftly took action, suspending the responsible ministers from their positions. Maldivian Foreign Ministry, in a statement, clarified that the derogatory remarks were personal opinions and did not represent the official stance of the government. Despite this, the incident triggered a ripple effect, impacting various sectors and relationships between the two nations.
The fallout has led to significant repercussions, including the suspension of flight bookings by EaseMyTrip and the cancellation of thousands of hotel reservations and flight tickets by Indian tourists. The controversy began when a minister and other leaders in the Maldives used offensive language against PM Modi, triggering a social media backlash.
Here are the top 10 updates on this developing situation:
Ministerial Suspensions: In response to the derogatory comments made against PM Modi, the Maldives government suspended three ministers immediately. The Deputy Minister of Youth Empowerment, Information, and Arts, Hassan Zihan, dismissed the news as “fake.”
Social Media Backlash: The derogatory remarks triggered a backlash on social media, prompting the Maldivian government to swiftly suspend all officials involved. The government clarified that these opinions were personal and did not reflect the official stance.
EaseMyTrip Halts Bookings: Nishant Pitti, CEO of EaseMyTrip, announced the suspension of all flight bookings to the Maldives in solidarity with Indian sentiment. The company is also actively promoting domestic destinations, particularly Lakshadweep, through the ‘Visit Lakshadweep’ campaign.
Mass Cancellations: Over 8,000 hotel bookings and 2,500 flight tickets to the Maldives have been canceled by Indian tourists following the incident. India constitutes a significant portion of the Maldives’ annual tourist influx.
Tourism Decline Predicted: Rajiv Mehra, President of the Indian Association of Tour Operators, anticipates a substantial decline in travel to the Maldives within the next 20–25 days. The diplomatic tensions are already impacting inquiries and future bookings.
Social Media Boycott: The controversy has led to the trending hashtag ‘BoycottMaldives’ on social media, with calls for boycotting the Maldives as a tourism destination. Indians are encouraged to explore alternative destinations like Lakshadweep.
Celebrities Join Campaign: Bollywood actors, including John Abraham and Randeep Hooda, have endorsed the #ExploreIndianIslands campaign on X, praising the beauty of Indian islands like Lakshadweep, Andaman, and Nicobar.
Akshay Kumar’s Condemnation: Actor Akshay Kumar condemned the “hateful and racist” remarks from the Maldives, urging people to explore Indian islands and support domestic tourism. Salman Khan also praised PM Modi’s Lakshadweep visit.
Maldivian Government’s Distancing: The Maldivian government distanced itself from the derogatory remarks, emphasizing that they were personal opinions and did not represent the official stance. Action against those making such remarks was not ruled out.
Former Leaders’ Criticism: Former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih condemned the “hateful” language, stressing the long-standing friendship between India and the Maldives. Former foreign minister Abdullah Shahid called the remarks “reprehensible and odious,” urging the government to reprimand the officials.
The diplomatic row has sparked a broader discussion on social media, potentially affecting the Maldives’ tourism-dependent economy. Former leaders emphasize the importance of resolving the matter as soon as possible to preserve the two countries’ long-standing friendship.
Priyanka Koul
Priyanka Koul is a dedicated Sub-Editor at The Daily Guardian, is fueled by a profound passion for uncovering and sharing meaningful stories, particularly those of individuals. Committed to journalism's core principles of integrity, accuracy, and ethical reporting, she embraces a relentless journey of learning and personal growth. Priyanka strives to leave a lasting impact through her storytelling prowess.