On Saturday, India launched its resident mission in Albania, a move aimed at enhancing India’s diplomatic presence and boosting bilateral trade. “India has operationalised its new resident Mission in Tirana, Albania with effect from 10 August 2024,” the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said in a statement.

“The coordinates of the new Embassy are: Embassy of India, Tirana (Camp Office) Maritim Hotel Plaza Tirana Abdi Toptani Street 18, Tirana 1001 Albania. Email: admn.tirana@mea.gov.in Phone No. +355 697443684,” it added.

The operationalisation will contribute to strengthening political ties and enhancing sustained political engagement in multilateral forums.

“Operationalisation of the Indian Mission in Albania will help in expanding India’s diplomatic footprint. It will also deepen political relations between India and Albania and would assist in the growth of bilateral trade, promote investments and economic engagements and cooperation on multilateral issues,” the MEA stated.

The Indian Mission in Tirana will promote people-to-people interactions and provide support to the Indian community in Albania.

On February 22, Albanian Foreign Minister Igli Hasani described India as a ‘major international player,’ emphasising his commitment to enhancing engagement with India. In an interview with ANI, Hasani noted that his visit to the national capital was not solely for participating in the Raisina Dialogue but also for discussions on strengthening India-Albania cooperation.

“One of the first things that I put as the main priority as the foreign minister of Albania was to increase the engagement with India, a major international player, and increase the opportunities of working with the Indian people,” he said.

“I’m here not only to take part in the Raisina forum… but also to discuss with your foreign minister and my colleagues from the foreign ministry how we can cooperate and collaborate in politics and in terms of people-to-people engagement. Albania will soon reopen its embassy here in Delhi…” he added.