With 45,882 new cases in 24 hours, India’s Covid-19 caseload reached 90,04,365 on Friday. The recovery rate, according to the Union Health Ministry data, surged to 93.6 per cent with 84.28 lakh recovered cases. The death toll has climbed to 1,32,162 with 584 deaths within 24 hours in the country, according to data updated at 8 am. Case fatality rate on the other hand has further declined to 1.46 per cent. A total of 4,43,794 active cases are reported in the country which sums up to 4.92 per cent of the total number of cases.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday held a meeting to review the country’s vaccination strategy in which important issues related to progress of Covid-19 vaccine development, regulatory approvals and procurement were discussed. In tweets, the PM said he also reviewed various issues like prioritisation of population groups, reaching out to healthcare workers, cold-chain infrastructure augmentation and technological platform for vaccine rollout.
“Held a meeting to review India’s vaccination strategy and the way forward. Important issues related to progress of vaccine development, regulatory approvals and procurement were discussed,” the PM said. “Reviewed various issues like prioritisation of population groups, reaching out to HCWs, cold-chain Infrastructure augmentation, adding vaccinators and tech platform for vaccine roll-out,” he added.
In the national capital, containment zones rose to over 4,550 with a maximum of 743 in the southwest district and a lowest of 148 in northeast district. Six districts out of the total 11 in Delhi, according to official data, have more than 400 Covid-19 containment zones—743 (southwest), 705 (south), 587 (west), 543 (southeast), 490 (central Delhi) and 445 (northwest). A total of 5,11,000 cases are reported in the capital with 4,59,000 recovered cases and 8,041 deaths.
The Delhi LG has amended the Delhi Epidemic Disease Management of Covid-19 Regulations 2020, according to which “authorised persons” are to impose a fine of Rs 2,000 for violation of social distancing norms, quarantine rules, not wearing face masks and consumption of pan, gutka and others in public places.
Maharashtra reported 5,640 new coronavirus cases with 6,945 recoveries and 155 deaths while the total number of cases in the state stands at 17,68,695. A total of 78,272 active cases are reported in the state with 16,42,916 recovered patients. The number of deaths in the state is reported to be 46,511.
West Bengal reported new 3,620 Covid-19 cases with a total of 4,46,0000 in the state. Recovery rate is at 4,12,000 cases with the death toll being 7,873.
A total of 1,221 new cases were reported in Andhra Pradesh with a total of 8,57,037 positive cases. 15,382 active cases, 8,34,735 recovered cases and 6,920 death cases have been reported according to the state health department.
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