The police have registered a case against a youth accused in a case of sexual assault involving a Delhi girl in Jalandhar. A few days ago, the girl from Delhi alleged serious accusations of sexual assault against her boyfriend residing in New Dayal Nagar. The girl claimed that she got acquainted with the youth through a matrimonial site and after that, he tricked her into a hotel and committed an atrocious act. Furthermore, the girl accused the youth of extorting 9 lakh rupees from her. However, when the topic of marriage came up, the youth evaded the situation. Subsequently, the girl caused a scene outside the Bhargav Camp police station and demanded action against the youth. She stated that the youth neither intended to marry her nor return her money. Additionally, the youth threatened her with dire consequences.
Now, based on the girl’s complaint, Division Number-4 Police Station has registered a case under IPC Sections 376 and 420 against the accused Dushyant Bhannot. However, the accused has not been arrested yet.