Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin wrote to Prime minister Narendra Modi requesting him to instruct the Ministry of Jal Shakthi to advise the chairman of the Cauvery water management authority to desist from taking up any discussion on the Mekadatu project, till the issues are heard and decided from the Supreme Court.
Tamil Nadu CM said that a memorandum has also been presented to PM Modi to not give any concurrence to the proposal given by the Karnataka government for building a reservoir at Mekadatu which will be built across Cauvery, conveying that the unanimous resolution is also passed by the state legislative assembly on 21st March 2022.
Stalin said that the Karnataka government has allocated Rs 1000 crore to build a reservoir in the budget meeting. He has raised this issue to PM Modi and Jal shakti ministry that building a Mekadatu dam will affect the delta farmers and their farming crops if the dam is built. ”I’m sure that the Centre knows that the Tamil Nadu state depends greatly on the Cauvery waters for its drinking and irrigation,” said Stalin.