Bollywood actor Imran Khan, who shared memories from his previous films Break Ke Baad and Luck, revealed why he is looking back at his past films. On Thursday, the actor took to his Instagram stories to address fans who have been wondering why he has started sharing memories from his past films. He wrote, “If you’re wondering why I’m looking at the past so much… it’s because I’m reshaping my relationship with my films. To be clear, I’m not blaming anyone for anything: all opinions are valid, and not everyone will like the same things… that’s normal. Unfortunately, at the time, I was only able to look at things from a negative mindset. As such, here is how I remembered Break Ke Baad.”
He also shared screenshots of a number of negative reviews of Break Ke Baad. In his next Instagram story, he wrote, “That was then.”
In his next Instagram story, the actor wrote, “And here’s where I realize my mistake; I paid so much heed to the voices that hurt… and I never valued the voices that loved. What a fool. I won’t make that mistake again. Thank you all for helping me change my perspective.”
Take a look at Imran Khan’s Instagram story
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