The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a ‘red alert’ for dense fog conditions in Punjab on Friday, December 29, with a ‘yellow alert’ for New Year’s Day, January 1, 2024. The IMD predicts the likelihood of cold weather and dense to very dense fog in Punjab, extending to Haryana and Chandigarh over the next four to five days. The recent days have seen persistent fog covers in both Punjab and Haryana, prompting visibility concerns.

At 8:30 am on Thursday, various regions reported significantly reduced visibility, such as zero visibility in Amritsar, 10 meters in Ludhiana, Patiala, and Ambala, and 15 meters in Chandigarh. Places like Adampur, Bathinda, Pathankot, and Halwara had visibility at 50 meters, while Sirsa and Karnal in Haryana reported 60 meters of visibility.

Shavinder Singh, a scientist at IMD Chandigarh, emphasized that while there would be minimal changes in minimum temperatures, daytime temperatures could dip by three to four degrees due to dense fog and limited sunlight.
Dry weather is expected to persist in Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh over the next four to five days, with no rain forecasted. Punjab and Haryana may experience very cold day conditions in the next two days.

The IMD also highlighted a fresh western disturbance likely to affect the Western Himalayan region from December 30 onwards.
The IMD advises caution to the public during the dry and cold weather, recommending the use of fog lights while driving. They also suggest staying informed about travel schedules and anticipate potential power supply disruptions due to very dense fog conditions.

Dense fog contains particulate matter and pollutants, impacting human health by reducing lung function and causing respiratory issues. The IMD encourages individuals, especially those with asthma and bronchitis, to take precautions, including using fog lights and staying updated on travel schedules.