The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an orange warning for Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Karaikal, suggesting the possibility of severe to very heavy rainfall on November 22 and 23. In addition, Kerala and Mahe have got an orange signal, which predicts isolated heavy to very heavy rainfall within the same time period.

The IMD advised the people to be cautious and avoid wet regions, unpaved roads, and congested places. The warnings follow two weeks of moderate to heavy rains in Tamil Nadu, which caused major waterlogging and forced the closure of schools in some locations.

The Orange alert signifies potential disruptions and emphasizes preparedness measures to mitigate the impact of the anticipated rainfall. Authorities are closely monitoring weather patterns, and residents are advised to stay informed about updates and adhere to safety guidelines.

These alerts are part of the IMD’s efforts to enhance public safety and minimize risks associated with adverse weather conditions. As the region braces for significant rainfall, vigilance and proactive measures are essential to ensure the well-being of the communities in the affected areas.