MUMBAI: The India Meteorological Department (IMD), on Wednesday, issued an orange alert and predicted heavy rainfall at isolated places in Mumbai and intense showers in neighbouring districts for the next 24 hours. Deputy director general of Mumbai IMD office, K.S. Hosalikar said, “Coastal areas as well as Ghat sections of Maharashtra have shown dense clouds. These areas and Madhya Maharashtra are expected to receive medium to heavy rainfall in the next 24-48 hours.”
A brown alert of “heavy to very heavy rainfall” has also been issued for Raigad, Nashik and Pune. A similar forecast has been issued for Kolhapur and Satara districts as well till 15 August.
However, districts in North Maharashtra, Marathwada and Vidarbha may receive light to moderate rainfall in the same period. Satellite and radar reports have indicated intense clouding over North Konkan, Raigad, Thane, Mumbai, Palghar and parts of South Gujarat which are very likely to receive intermittent spells of rain. Meanwhile, continuous rainfall for over three hours inundated parts of Satna on Wednesday. According to IMD, this year rainfall is likely to be normal in the second half of the four-month monsoon season. In its long-range forecast for AugustSeptember, the department said that August was likely to receive 97 percent rainfall of the long period average.
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