NEW DELHI: Kriti Sanon had recently shared her transformation journey for her upcoming film, ‘Mimi’ where she had to put on weight for her role of a surrogate mother. The actress now reveals how she could not shoot for any other project for some months due to this. Talking about setting aside a chunk of some months for the shoot of ‘Mimi’, Kriti shares, “I had to put on 15kgs in 2 months for Mimi which I could start losing only once I had completed the film. It made more sense to not take up any other project during the shoot and even till a few months after as I needed to lose the weight before starting any other project. I did let go of a lot of award show performances too in that period because dancing makes me lose weight very fast.”
She will be carrying this content-driven film on her own shoulders as she is all set to deliver probably one of her best performances so far playing a mature role of a mother for the first time. She will also be seen in ‘Adipurush’ as Sita, ‘Bachchan Pandey’, ‘Bhediya’, ‘Ganapath’, ‘Hum Do Hamaare Do’ along with another unannounced project.