Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that he hopes for a strong opposition in the country and that the parties which are entangled in nepotism, should rise above it, to strengthen democracy.
PM Modi’s remarks came during his address at the ancestral village of President Ram Nath Kovind, Paraunkh, in Kanpur Dehat of Uttar Pradesh. “The dynastic parties are huddling against me… I want to tell them that I don’t have any personal issues with anyone, I just want a strong opposition in the country. These parties entangled in nepotism should rise above it to strengthen democracy,” he said.
The Prime Minister said he wants the parties stuck in nepotism to free themselves from it and treat themselves and only then the country’s democracy will be strengthened. Only then, the country’s youth will get more and more opportunities to enter into politics.
He said that it is nepotism that throttles talents not only in politics but in every field, and prevents the people from progressing. “I see that people who fit my definition of familism are angry with me. In every nook and corner of the country, these family members are uniting against me,” PM Modi said.
He added, “It is our responsibility that we do not let evils like nepotism breed in the country.”
“The sons and daughters of poor people living in villages must also get the opportunity to rise to the positions of Prime Minister and President. Hence, it is important to stop the parties from doing nepotism,” he further stated.
Earlier in the day, during his address at the Ground Breaking Ceremony @ 3.0 of the UP Investors Summit in Lucknow, Modi said that India progressed on the mantra of reform, perform, and transform while focusing on policy and stability, coordination and ease of doing business.
“We recently completed 8 years of central governance. In these years, we progressed on the mantra of reform, perform, transform; focussed on policy stability, coordination and ease of doing business,” said PM Modi.
The Prime Minister also congratulated the youth of Uttar Pradesh for agreements of investment of over Rs 80,000 crore which have been done today.
“Today agreements of investment of more than Rs 80,000 crore have been done here. This record investment will create thousands of employment opportunities. I congratulate the youth of UP for it as they will be most benefitted from it,” he stated.
He said that Indians should be proud of India’s growth story. “Every Indian will be proud of India’s growth story, according to which, we are the fastest growing economy among the G20 nations, the second-largest nation of internet users and holds the second position in the Global Retail Index,” he added.
The Prime Minister also said that India is the third-largest energy consumer country and has a registered record Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). “One Nation One Tax, One Nation One Grid, One Nation Mobility Card, One Nation One Ration Card are the steps which set an example of our efforts for easy compliance and ease of doing business,” he added.