Telangana Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister K.T. Rama Rao said that the State government will provide 20,000 litres of drinking water free to people in Hyderabad. Despite financial constraints in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the government is continuing all development and welfare programmes, he said.

Distribution of assistance under Rythu Bandu Rs 1 per kg rice to the poor and though a bit delayed, double bedroom housing for eligible beneficiaries were being delivered as promised by Chief Minister K. Chandrashekhar Rao, said the Minister.

The Minister was speaking after formally launching the government’s free drinking water scheme at Rahmath Nagar of Hyderabad. He issued zero bills as part of the scheme to a few beneficiaries at their doorsteps and interacted with them about the provision of different welfare programmes.

Stating that history was being created, the Minister said Sankranti is being celebrated two days in advance.

Over nine lakh families would be benefited as per the provisions of the scheme, and no bills will be issued for those living in slums, said Rama Rao. During the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation elections, K. Chandrashekhar Rao had announced that from December free drinking water would be supplied to all the beneficiaries and on 12 January the promise has been fulfilled, he added.

“The Rs 500 crore finished burden arising due to the implementation of the scheme will be borne by the State government,” said Rama Rao. At a time when other metro cities like Chennai are suffering from scarcity of drinking water and the same is being transported through trains from far off places, it is due to the farsightedness of CM K. Chandrashekhar Rao that Hyderabad is not facing such problems, the Minister pointed out.

Hyderabad is being supplied safe drinking water from River Godavari and River Krishna. And projects are being taken up to ensure that there is no shortage of drinking water till 2048, he added.