A police inspector assigned to the Hyderabad City Police’s South Zone control room was detained for reportedly assaulting two constables who were on duty after his wife discovered him having an extramarital affair.

The accusation of Inspector Raju’s wife, who claimed that he had been involved in an illegal relationship, prompted Constables Ramakrishna and Nagarjuna Naidu, who were on their night-beat duty, to take action.

Inspector Raju and an unnamed woman were apprehended in the interior of the Sagar Complex, according to Vanasthalipuram Police. Raju abused and punched the constables when they confronted him. As a result, one of the police officers had bleeding wounds on his face.

Inspector Raju, the accused, was brought to the nearby police station to perform a breathalyser test with the assistance of additional officials. He maintained his actions despite being told to stop by the staff. He was then arrested by the police.