In another stride towards fostering planned urban development in Haryana, Chief Minister Manohar Lal has directed the Haryana Shehri Vikas Pradhikaran (HSVP) to expedite the purchase 5000 acres of land through the e-bhoomi portal, land pooling policy or aggregator to facilitate the development of new sectors. This proactive measure by the government aims to curtail the proliferation of illegal colonies. The Chief Minister, who also serves as the Chairman of the HSVP, issued these directives while chairing the 126th meeting of the Pradhikaran here on Wednesday
During the meeting, approval was granted for the allotment of land for the construction of ESI dispensaries across various districts. This initiative aims to enhance medical services for insured individuals and their dependents under the Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) scheme. It was informed in the meeting that ESI dispensaries would be established in Mullana (Ambala district), Farrukhnagar (Gurugram district), Dadri Toi and Jhadli (Jhajjar district), Tarawadi and Gharaunda (Karnal district), Kosli (Rewari district), Chhachhrauli (Yamunanagar district), Charkhi Dadri and Barsat Road (Panipat district). In addition, an ESI hospital with approximately 100 beds will be constructed in Hisar, for which land allocation has already been finalized.
In accordance with the Chief Minister’s directives, the HSVP’s policy to allocate land to government departments at reduced rates has been approved. Under this policy, land would now be allocated by HSVP at a 50 percent discounted rate to various government departments for public interest development projects. However, this provision will only apply to departments, while boards and corporations will continue to receive land at fixed rates. During the meeting, it was informed that dependents of deceased employees from the engineering wing of the HSVP were provided employment on compassionate grounds.
Among those who benefited from this initiative are Rishab, Namit, Rahul, and Shivam.
Chief Secretary Sanjeev Kaushal, Chief Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Rajesh Khullar, Additional Chief Secretary of Industries and Commerce Department Anand Mohan Sharan, Additional Chief Secretary of Public Health Engineering Department AK Singh, Additional Chief Secretary of Town and Country Planning Department Mr Arun Gupta, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister V Umashankar, Chief Administrator of Haryana Urban Development Authority TL Satyaprakash and other senior officials were also present.