The Criminal Investigation Unit (CIU) investigating Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan’s complaint against an unknown imposter is likely to call Hrithik to record his statement in the next couple of days. The crime branch is likely to issue summons to the actor and call him to record his statement as early as Friday. After his statement, CIU will also call actress Kangana Ranaut to record her statement. In 2016 Hrithik alleged that he had been receiving emails from an account that was in the name of Kangana, however, she denied the account to be hers.
On 14 December, a complaint of impersonation, lodged by Hrithik in May 2014 against “unidentified individuals”, was transferred from the Mumbai Police’s Cyber Cell to the CIU. The transfer follows a letter written by the actor’s lawyer Mahesh Jethmalani to the Mumbai Police Commissioner regarding the lack of progress in the case.
In 2014, Hrithik had filed the impersonation complaint after days of a heated exchange with Kangana. The altercation between them, who worked together in ‘Krrish 3’, had begun when Hrithik sent Kangana a legal notice after she referred to him as her “silly ex” during an interview.
Hrithik first responded on Twitter, disputing the existence of any previous romantic relationship with Kangana. He wrote that there were more chances of him having had “an affair with Pope”.
Hrithik followed this with a legal notice, demanding a public apology from her. Kangana refused to apologise, claiming that the two had been romantically involved in 2014. She sent a counter-notice to Hrithik, asking him to take his notice back or face a criminal case.
Hrithik’s legal notice alleged mental harassment by Kangana. It claimed that she had sent him 1,439 emails, to which he never responded, besides telling people in the film industry that they had been in a relationship. It suggested that whoever Kangana had been in touch with was an imposter, pretending to be Hrithik.
Kangana denied the suggestion, saying that the particular email id used for her correspondence with him had been given to her by Hrithik himself. She added that the email had been kept private so as to prevent it from having a negative impact on the divorce proceedings between Hrithik and his ex-wife Sussanne Khan.
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