SHIMLA: The State Transport Department earned an income of Rs 6 crore through the auction of 1,300 VIP vehicle registration numbers, Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri said on Sunday. Besides auctioning VIP vehicle registration numbers in a transparent manner, the department has also started courier services in Himachal Road Transport Corporation (HRTC) buses to generate income, a statement said. The Sugam Darshan scheme introduced by Mata Chhinnamastika Dham Chintpurni temple Trust to facilitate the devotees accrued additional income of Rs 35 lakh and the daily income of the Trust has increased by 15.7 per cent, he added. Under the Sugam Darshan Pranali (system), a pass is given to five people at a fee of Rs 1,100 and these devotees get hassle-free darshan (VIP darshan).
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