January 25 is an extremely significant day for Himachal Pradesh, as it marks the day when the state attained full-statehood status. It is also celebrated as Constitution Day, and on this day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the youth of the country, according to a press release issued by BJP State President Dr. Rajeev Bindal. He informed that Himachal Pradesh has made arrangements for live broadcasting of Modi’s address. Screens will be set up at 68 locations across the 68 constituencies to broadcast Modi’s live address. Dr. Bindal stated that India is a youthful nation, with the highest youth population globally, and Narendra Modi serves as an inspiration to the youth.

Meanwhile, in another press statement, former State President and MP for Shimla Parliamentary Constituency Suresh Kashyap, along with Panchayati Raj Sabha MLA Paonta Sahib and former Minister Parliamentary Constituency In-charge Sukhram Chaudhary, criticized the government’s village door program, calling it a flop. MP Suresh Kashyap stated that the government is going to the villages empty-handed and has deceived the public. He claimed that the government has once again deceived the people in the name of a public platform.

He reminded them that the BJP government used to conduct Jan Manch programs in conjunction with the budget, while the current drought-ridden government is organizing such events without a budget.

Former Minister and MLA Sukhram Chaudhary questioned the government about borrowing ₹13,000 crore in 13 months, asking where the money has gone. He stated that development activities in the entire state have come to a standstill, and the government is lamenting being empty-handed.