In the early hours of Sunday, Gramphu village and Chota Dharra both experienced flash floods and landslides, according to an official statement. There were no reported casualties in the incident. According to a statement released by the Himachal Pradesh State Emergency Operations Center (HPSEOC), “District Emergency Operation Center Lahaul Spiti informed an incident of Flash Flood and Landslide reported along the AEC BRO 94 RCC, NH 505 (Sumdo Kaza-Gramphu) which is blocked at different locations between Gramphu to Chota Dharra.” HP SEOC said a group of 30 college students were rescued safely after they were struck on the road due to a landslide.
“A Group of 30 Collage Students travelling on Bhavna Travelers (2 Travelers’ vehicle) from Spiti to Manali. They were stuck on the road due to road blocking. All 30 College students were rescued safely,” the statement read further.
Men and resources would be deployed to clear the debris once the weather improves, officials informed.
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