Fitness does not come from a single lifestyle change. If you truly want to develop a fit physique, you may need to make major lifestyle changes. According to, building habits that increase your activity, positively influence your nutrition, and become a part of your fitness routine is the key to changing your body.

The following are some ideas to incorporate into your routine to get the most out of your fitness to burn fat. Don’t try to incorporate all five tips at once; instead, start with habit one, do it for a week, then add habit two, and so on until all five have become a part of your weekly routine!

How to Transform Your Body & Get In Great Shape

Do you hate working out but want to lose weight and get in shape? There are numerous methods and exercises that can be completed in a matter of minutes. Some will slim you down, whereas others will alter your appearance.

  1. Get More Water

We hear it all the time: water is good for you and makes up a large portion of your body; drink it! But why? Water improves the efficiency of your entire system:

  • When you stay hydrated, your body recovers faster from workouts.
  • Your digestive system will run more smoothly, which will aid in weight loss.
  • You will feel fuller throughout the day and thus consume fewer empty calories.
  • Your nervous system’s effectiveness improves, which means your brain communicates with the rest of your body more effectively.

So, how much water should you consume? A good starting point is to divide your body weight in half and drink that number of fluid ounces of water per day. However, consider what causes dehydration and make sure to replace any fluids you lose. You can weigh yourself before and after exercise in the gym to determine how much water is lost during full-body workouts and replace it. You can drink the same amount of water as you do soda or coffee—for example, if you drink two cups of coffee in the morning, you should also drink two glasses of water.

  1. Include Cardio in Your Routine

Many people find that cardio workouts increase hunger, which can make it harder to stick to nutrition goals-and that was definitely my experience. Maintain a high heart rate throughout the session. Adding some medium to high-intensity cardio moves that won’t tire out the same muscle group you’re lifting with, on the other hand, can be an efficient way to increase your calorie burn in the same amount of time. Instead of resting completely between sets of bench presses, try 30 seconds of jumping jacks or high knees. 

  1. Go Up the Stairs

It may sound cliche, but adding steps to your day can make a significant difference. Instead of parking in the closest spot or taking the elevator, park further away and take the stairs to increase your overall activity levels. Need to get away from your desk? Go up and down the stairs a few times.

Taking the stairs requires more energy output than simply going for a walk and can result in a higher caloric burn in less time. Take the stairs safely by putting your entire foot on each step and driving through your heel—this activates your glutes and prevents pressure in your low back.

  1. Incorporate Complex Movements Into Your Workout Routine

You want to use as many muscles and body parts as possible during your workout to increase your caloric output. When you engage multiple muscle groups at the same time, you accomplish more in less time, increasing your calorie burn while also saving you time. 

To engage more muscles in a single move, try adding an overhead press to your squat or a bicep curl to your lunges. Also, you may need the help of a certified personal trainer in the health and fitness industry to help you with strength training, muscle growth, lifting weights correctly, and resistance training. 

  1. Consider Drinking Green Tea

If you usually start your morning with a Starbucks treat, reconsider your order. Rather than ordering sugary coffee swirled with flavoured syrup and topped with whipped cream from the barista with the headset and Belichick attitude, order green tea sweetened with Stevia.

Depending on the type of coffee you were previously ordering, replacing it could significantly reduce your calorie intake. Many of these drinks have more than 400 calories.

How Do You Completely Change Your Body?

In general, losing weight and fat occurs when you burn more calories than you consume. This is a scientific fact, but the reality of applying it in everyday life is much more complicated.

So, how do you accomplish your specific fitness goals? Everyone is unique, and whether you want to lose fat, improve performance, gain muscle, or simply improve functional performance, these principles are critical to understand and apply.

Structuring Your Diet

Make sure to get these right before moving on to other aspects of your nutrition. Calorie balance and macronutrients are examples of these. Make sure to choose nutrient-dense foods, saturated fats, complex carbs, and whole grains, and check your protein intake to create change in your workout. Substituting white rice for brown rice is also beneficial in your diet.  

Balance Your Calories

Calorie balance is the ratio of calories consumed to calories expended in any one person at any given time. It is best to track this over the course of a week to account for most fluctuations, such as drinking more water. Also, make sure to keep an eye on your eating habits. Eating healthy can help balance your calories which is beneficial for keeping your body healthy. 

Timing of Nutrients

Nutrient timing refers to determining the best time of day for your body to consume the nutrients it requires (in accordance with your goals). This is best understood when divided into meal frequency and activity timing. This can be further broken down into the three macronutrients and how frequently and in what portions they should be consumed throughout the day.


Starting and ending your day with an activity, such as lighter weights, push-ups, and jumping rope, helps you mentally prioritize it. Choosing to do it with a move you enjoy can boost your positive feelings about moving and increase the likelihood that you will continue to move throughout the day. Hopefully, these tips will assist you in your body transformation.