Tax loss harvesting in crypto is a strategy that you can use to save thousands of dollars. Even though it might seem like you are losing money on your assets, tax loss harvesting is an effective way of minimizing your capital gains and reducing the surge in taxes that you have to pay. Know more about the bitcoin era by clicking here.

Here we will let you know how you can get benefit from tax loss harvesting in crypto.

Tax Loss Harvesting: What Is It?

Tax loss harvesting is an effective strategy used to reduce your capital gains in a tax year by selling some of your assets at a loss alongside selling some assets at a profit. By doing this, the total capital gains tax is significantly reduced and allows the trader to save up some money.

Every sale made in stocks, assets, and cryptocurrencies sold at a profit requires the seller to pay a capital gains tax to the government. This tax is based on the amount of money you have made through profitable sales.

How Does Tax Loss Harvesting Work?

Tax loss harvesting is a common strategy that most traders make use of while trading stocks and assets. It is now becoming increasingly common in the crypto world as well as it is more profitable than traditional financial systems.

To gain maximum benefits out of this strategy, you must choose a reliable Bitcoin Trading Software that can help manage your assets and allow you to plan out better and more profitable strategies!

Tax Loss Harvesting In The Crypto Market

Like stocks and other assets, cryptocurrencies can be strategically sold and bought to harvest losses and reduce your tax liabilities. Through tax loss harvesting, crypto profits can be maximized. Additionally, there are a few characteristics of crypto harvesting that make it a better candidate for tax loss harvesting than traditional finances. Let’s have a look!

The Wash Sale Rule

At the moment, the IRS has issued a rule that prevents investors from taking capital losses and then reinvesting into the same stock immediately. Under the law, incurring a capital loss on a stock is not

applicable if you buy the same security within 30 days of the sale. However, cryptocurrencies are not viewed as securities but rather as properties under IRS guidelines. Therefore, the wash sale rule does not yet apply to cryptocurrencies.

This means that the cryptocurrencies sold at a loss can be re-bought immediately while claiming the capital loss on the sale.

Tax Loss Harvesting With Cryptocurrency’s Volatility

Cryptocurrencies are the most volatile form of assets that one can invest in. Therefore, they become the best kind of assets for tax loss harvesting and gaining maximum benefits out of losses. For this, investors need to identify and invest in cryptocurrencies that have the highest original purchase prices compared to current market prices to maximize apparent losses. While these assets present the greatest opportunities for tax savings, a well-thought-out strategy and game plan need to be employed before an investor steps foot into the world of tax loss harvesting.

What Are The Risks Involving Tax Loss Harvesting?

While tax harvesting has a lot of benefits, there is nothing that comes without risk! While strategizing your next move, you must always consider the potential risk and then decide to buy or sell! Here are a few risks that you must consider before you try your hand at tax loss harvesting in crypto.

Tax Savings Does Not Include Exchange Fees

Before you begin a tax-saving strategy, it is important to consider the exchange fee that your exchange will charge. If the price to buy and resell your tokens is greater than the overall tax harvest, it is better to avoid this strategy.

Long-Term Tax Savings Equal To $0 Already

If your long-term capital gains are already 0, tax loss harvesting strategies won’t benefit you in any way. Therefore, strategize accordingly and in such a case, focus more on short-term gains rather than long-term.


In conclusion, while tax loss harvesting strategies are great for maximizing your gains, especially with crypto assets, you must pick your next move smartly. Well-thought-out plans, strategies, and a long term vision will take you toward the ladders of success!