Twinkle Khanna on Monday uploaded a hilarious post that the fans found amusing. Twinkle shared a WhatsApp forwarded image that shows the poster of her film, ‘Mela’, pasted on a truck. The poster has a picture of actor Tinu Verma, who played the role of villain Gujjar in the 2000 release. Reacting to it, Twinkle quipped: “Certain things, I suppose, are timeless! This popped up in my messages today and what can I say except ‘Mela’ has certainly left a mark or a scar, whichever way you look at it, on me and the rest of the nation.” ‘Mela’, which failed at box office, also starred Aamir Khan and his brother Faisal Khan. “I don’t think I quit because there were no good roles. It is just a space I have left far behind. The spotlight gives me a bit of a heat stroke, to be honest,” Twinkle had told IANS.
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