Amid twists and turns in the political drama of Maharashtra, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut took a potshot on the Eknath Shinde-led faction of rebel MLAs on Sunday. Raut asked how long they will hide in Guwahati in Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled Assam as they will have to return to Mumbai finally.
The political turbulence in Maharashtra was triggered by the faction war in Shiv Sena after Minister Eknath Shinde flew to Surat with some MLAs and then to Guwahati where he claims of having the support of 38 MLAs of the party, thus achieving the two-thirds majority in the Shiv Sena.
Taking to Twitter, Raut said, “Kab tak chhipoge Gauhati mein…Aana hi padega Chowpatty mein (How long will you hide in Guwahati, you have to come back to Chowpatty).”
According to sources, Maharashtra deputy speaker Narhari Zirwal has sent notices to the 16 Shiv Sena rebel MLAs.
The MLAs have to be present in Mumbai on Monday for the hearing of disqualification.
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