The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) administration to clarify how long they propose to extend the detention of former J&K Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti. The SC also asked the Centre whether Mufti’s detention could extend beyond a period of one year. 

“You should address us on the two grounds: What is the maximum period for which a person can be detained and whether it proposes to continue detention,” the SC asked the Centre while hearing a ‘habeas corpus’ petition. The petition has been filed by Mufti’s daughter Iltija who is challenging her mother’s detention under Jammu & Kashmir Public Safety Act (PSA).

 Appearing for Mufti’s daughter, senior advocate Nitya Ramakrishna told the court that an amendment plea has also been filed, which, among other things, sought permission for Mufti to visit people while in detention. The SC asked her how that could be possible, considering she is in dete has asked the Centre to file a reply to the amendment plea within a week. 

Meanwhile, appearing for the Central government, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said that he would address all the questions on facts and law. He also added that he would address the court on whether detention could be extended beyond one year and whether the Centre proposed to further extend Mufti’s detention. The court will take up the matter next on 15 October.