The mysterious death of Prabhas Bhange, a 24-year-old who had come to Mumbai to celebrate Holi with friends, took a new turn when Mumbai police apprehended a man attempting to snatch a commuter’s mobile phone on a local train. Bhange had been travelling from Mumbai to Pune on the Siddheshwar Express in March when he met his untimely demise by falling from the train as it arrived at Vithalwadi Railway Station.

The incident remained unsolved until the police caught a man attempting to snatch a commuter’s phone on a local train. The snatcher’s face was captured on video by Zahid Zaidi, who managed to fend him off. The video, uploaded on social media, led the Kalyan Government Railway Police (GRP) to identify the culprit as Akash Jadhav, 27.

During the search of Jadhav’s residence, another mobile phone was found, which upon examination, was discovered to belong to Bhange. Further investigation revealed that Jadhav had allegedly snatched Bhange’s phone as well, leading to the latter’s fatal fall from the train while attempting to retrieve his device.

Consequently, the Mumbai police registered a case against Jadhav for culpable homicide not amounting to murder, and he was arrested in connection with Bhange’s death.