In a notable development, the former Chief Minister of Haryana and senior leader of the Congress party Bhupinder Singh Hooda made his presence in Rohtak, taking a critical stance on the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) ‘Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra’ set to commence today.
He raised questions about the BJP’s methodology, asserting that the government machinery and Haryana Roadways buses are being employed to ensure the success of this venture.
Addressing the recent defamation notice served to Rahul Gandhi, the seasoned politician expressed his disdain, suggesting that the current administration seems to lack substantive tasks and is disproportionately engaged in such activities. A vehement critique was directed towards Haryana’s Agriculture Minister, J.P. Dalal, for his controversial statement, with a firm assertion that all women deserve equal respect and remarks of such nature are entirely inappropriate. He called for an immediate apology from Dalal.
In a broader political context, he reiterated his confidence in the Congress party’s impending electoral performances across five states. With expectations of Congress forming governments in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh, he highlighted the potential for a Congress-led government in Telangana as well. The day saw Bhupinder Singh Hooda actively participating in a private event in Rohtak, underscoring the significance of his presence in the political landscape.