Honor on Wednesday announced that its latest smartwatches Honor Watch GS Pro and Honor Watch ES will go on sale starting Friday in the country. “Watch GS Pro will be available for purchase during Flipkart’s ‘Big Billion Days’ as a special product for Rs 17,999. Meanwhile, Watch ES will be on sale on Amazon during the Great Indian Festival for Rs 7,499,” the company said in a statement. The Honor Watch ES features a 1.64-inch 2.5D AMOLED Touch Display and 70 per cent Screen-to-Body Ratio. The smartwatch comes with 200+ watch faces, personalised and customisable, and always-on display options. The Watch ES has 12 animated workout Courses and 44 animated exercise moves that help users to meet their fitness goals at the convenience of their home. Enabled with SpO2 Monitor, the smartwatch allows users to track their blood oxygen saturation levels. The smartwatch is also enabled with a 24/7 TruSeen 4.0 Heart Rate Monitor, supported by the optimized optical path and monitoring algorithms that can alert users of elevated or abnormal results.
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