Honor on Tuesday launched its new smartphone ‘Honor 10X Lite’ with quad-camera set up, a 6.67-inch punch-hole display and a 5000mAh batter in the global market. The smartphone will come in three colours midnight black, emerald green and icelandic frost. It is already available in Russia, and will go on sale from today in other markets including France, Germany, among others, with a retail price of 229.9. It features a 6.67-inch full-HD+ (1,080×2,400 pixels) display. The phone is powered by the octa-core Kirin 710A processor and comes with 4GB of RAM with 128GB of storage that is expandable via microSD card. The smartphone sports a quad rear camera setup that includes a 48MP primary sensor with f/1.8 lens, an 8MP sensor with f/2.4 lens, a 2MP sensor with a f/2.4 lens, and another 2MP sensor with an f/2.4 lens. At the front, the phone features an 8MP selfie shooter with an f/2.0 lens. The Honor 10X Lite packs a 5,000mAh battery with support for 22.5W fast charging.
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