Trinamool Congress MP Mohua Moitra has slammed the BJP government, accusing it of “homophobia” and “bigotry,” when the apex court released a statement on the delay of appoinments of judges after exhortations were made by the Collegium to the central government.

Mentioning the Supreme Court, Moitra wrote in a tweet: “Once Collegium reiterates a name, it is the end of chapter… government is crossing the Rubicon by keeping names pending like this,’ : SC 11 reiterated names not cleared by Centre – BJP governed by homophobia, bigotry & revenge even in vital judicial appointments. Shame. (sic)”.

The Supreme Court on Monday responded actively to Kiren Rijju’s comments on the Collegium, stressing that the Centre was bound to follow the Collegium’s decision. The government’s remark—that the appointment of judges is “alien” to the Constitution—drew sharp reactions.

 “It is frustrating the whole system because you hold back the names without saying what your reservation is. This is not acceptable…You are effectively frustrating the method of appointment,” the bench said.

The government has asked the Supreme Court Collegium to reconsider 20 files related to the appointment of high court judges, including that of advocate Saurabh Kirpal who has candidly spoken about his gay status. His name was recommended by the Supreme Court Collegium, headed by former Chief Justice of India N V Ramana, for elevation as a Delhi High Court judge, according a report published by the news agency PTI.