Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij has taken a big decision regarding police personnel who have been absent for 3 to 4 months. The Home Minister has taken a big decision after considering the cases of some such personnel. Police personnel who do not have serious cases pending against them have been ordered to rejoin the police force. Whereas some police personnel have little hope of being rehired, because cases of serious complaints are pending against them.
Home Minister Anil Vij has issued orders for this to the Additional Chief Secretary of the department TVSN Prasad. Departmental sources said that Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij had issued instructions to consider sympathetically the cases of policemen who were absent for three to six months. After which TVSN Prasad, Additional Chief Secretary, Home Department, studied the cases again. After this, orders have been issued to re-hire a dozen police personnel including constables, head constables and ASIs.
More than 20 such cases were identified, out of which relief is not being provided in eight-ten cases because serious cases are pending against them. Due to which his reinstatement seems difficult at present.
Concerned about the low strength in Haryana Police, Home Minister Anil Vij had issued instructions to consider with sympathy the cases of police personnel absent for three to six months and less. Police personnel or their families were continuously appealing to Home Minister Vij for justice in such cases. This decision of Vij has brought great relief to the police personnel.
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