MUMBAI: Madhuri Dixit Nene reiterated the need to hold on to loved ones in a time of crisis, in a new post she shared on Tuesday evening. “Hold your loved ones closer than ever,” she wrote alongside an image that sees her strike a smiling pose with husband Sriram Nene. Madhuri tagged the post with #MayThe4thBeWithYou. In the image, which seems to be clicked abroad, Madhuri sports sporting a denim dungaree with a black full-sleeved top. She lets her hair open and completes the casual look with spectacles and sneakers. Hubby Nene wears a dark blue pullover, with a white shirt and shorts, with socks and sneakers. Madhuri will next be seen in the web series ‘Finding Anamika’. She plays a superstar who goes missing. Manav Kaul and Mohit Raina also star in the show.
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