Terming the BJP’s victory in Tripura “a historic day for the Northeast,” Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday thanked the people of the state “for placing trust in BJP once again.”
BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP) returns to power in Tripura with an absolute majority by winning 32 seats out of the total 60. “A historic day for the Northeast. I thank Tripura for placing trust in BJP once again. It is a victory of pro-development politics that the BJP has delivered in Tripura under PM NarendraModiJi’s leadership. Together we will move ahead and build a prosperous Tripura,” he said in a tweet.
He also congratulated the BJP National President JP Nadda, Tripura Chief Minister ManikSaha and Tripura BJP President RajibBhattacharjee.
In Nagaland too, the saffron party and its alliance partner Nationalist Democratic Progressive Party (NDDP) returned to power. While thanking the people of Nagaland for choosing peace and progress, Shah said, “I thank the people of Nagaland from the bottom of my heart for choosing peace and progress by re-electing the PM Modi-led NDA back in power.