Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu has announced plans to crack down on drug peddlers in the state. During a meeting with senior law and police officials on Thursday, he revealed that amendments would be made to the law to allow for the confiscation of property belonging to those caught trafficking drugs.
Sukhu also announced the formation of a Special Task Force to tackle the drug supply chain and take tough action against drug traffickers. An advisory board will also be created under the Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act to combat the menace.
“We need to coordinate with neighboring states to check this menace, especially in the border areas,” Sukhu said, expressing his concern over drug abuse. He also stressed the importance of raising awareness about the dangers of drugs and creating a modern de-addiction and rehabilitation center equipped with the latest facilities and skilled staff to help bring addicts back into mainstream society.
The Chief Minister also directed officers to take appropriate measures to prevent the younger generation from falling victim to drug addiction. In addition, he expressed a desire to seek support from the Union Government to share intelligence and take joint action to control the problem effectively.
Revenue Minister Jagat Singh Negi, Chief Secretary Prabodh Saxena, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Bharat Khera, OSD to Chief Minister Gopal Sharma, DGP Sanjay Kundu, Secretary Law Sharad Kumar Lagwal and other senior police officers were also present at the meeting.
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