On Tuesday, Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu pledged that his administration would take firm action against those involved in such incidents. Following the BJP’s ultimatum regarding the vandalism of government works plaques, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu directed the immediate filing of FIRs in these cases. The state BJP had on Monday issued a statement decrying the breaking of a plaque bearing the name of Union Minister Anurag Thakur.

Sukhu on Tuesday gave his assurance that his government would strictly deal with the offenders in such cases. A foundation plaque which bore the name of the minister and marked the Taropka to Jamli Dham link road in Taropka village was removed and thrown down, according to a statement issued by BJP Hamirpur Mandal spokesperson Vikramjit Singh Banyal. He had alleged that some people are committing petty acts of vandalism under the nose of the police and administration and pointed out that earlier also a foundation stone plaque in Bhoranj assembly constituency was vandalised.

Meanwhile, Bhoranj and Hamirpur Police registered cases under section 3 of Prevention of damage to public property (PDP) Act in connection with the matter. The Police contacted local people for identification and arrest of those guilty of breaking the plaque. The CCTV footage of the area is being scanned and investigations are underway, police said.