Himachal Pradesh Congress has intensified preparations for the upcoming assembly elections. On Wednesday, 31 August, the party’s 10-point resolution letter will be issued for the assembly elections at the state Congress headquarters, Rajiv Bhawan, Shimla. It is named the “10 Guarantees of Congress. This resolution letter will be issued in the presence of the party’s state in charge, Rajiv Shukla, and Chhattisgarh Chief Minister, Bhupesh Baghel.
On the other hand, the Congress is preparing to beat the BJP in announcing tickets for the state assembly elections. On September 5, a meeting of the party’s state election committee has been called in New Delhi under the chairmanship of Rajiv Shukla. In this, about 40 assembly seats, it is being claimed that the names of the candidates will be decided and sent to the screening committee.
State President Pratibha Singh, Election Committee President Sukhwinder Sukhu, Leader of the Opposition Mukesh Agnihotri, and many other senior leaders will be present at the meeting. The BJP announced candidates for the 2017 assembly elections before the Congress. Congress has been gearing up for the 2022 elections since August. Applications have been invited from interested candidates for tickets till 5:00 pm on September 1.