On Monday, Himachal Pradesh CM Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu announced to increase the amount of the “HP Mahila Vikas Protsahan Puraskar’ from Rs. 21,000 to Rs. 1 lakh and district-level awards from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 25,000. Organized by the Social Justice and Empowerment Department, this award is presented to several women for their contributions in different fields. Yesterday, ahead of ‘International Women’s Day,” CM Sukhu participated in a state-level function in Shimla and awarded three women with the “Protsahan Puraskar,” and many others were awarded in different fields, such as the “Utkrisht Award for Women.
Addressing the function, CM Sukhu on Monday said that “women are the pillars of society.” He added that “we shall be celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8, but people will be celebrating Holi on the same day as well. Thus, we’ve arranged the programme for women’s day today and are really happy to greet all the women on this occasion. Women have been playing an important role in society,” he added.
CM Sukhu said, “The 73rd and 74th amendment bills were passed under the leadership of late Indian PM Rajiv Gandhi and they provide 33% reservation to women.” He made this comment while talking about the reservation granted to women through the 73rd and 74th amendment bills. Encouraging other women to come forward and serve society, an award-winning woman, Devkanya Thakur, said, “An aware woman can change society and the world. I would appeal to the young women to come forward to serve the society instead of grooming themselves.”
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