Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Tuesday made an aerial survey of the flash flood-affected area Boh of Shahpur Assembly constituency of Kangra district. He took stock of the losses suffered due to the flash flood on 12 July 2021 and also met the affected families of the area. He directed the district Kangra administration to take up the relief and rehabilitation work on war-footings in the affected areas.
Jai Ram Thakur said that every possible assistance would be provided to the affected families and their proper rehabilitation would also be ensured. He said that rupees four lakh each would be provided to the families of the deceased and financial help would be given to the people whose houses had been damaged in this natural calamity for the construction of houses.
The Chief Minister said that a team of NDRF was coordinating the district administration in rescue and relief works and all-out efforts were being made to trace the missing persons.
He also talked telephonically to DC Sirmaur Ram Gautam and enquired about the efforts being made by the NDRF and district administration to rescue the persons who got stranded on the island in the Giri River in the Paonta Sahib sub-division of Sirmaur district on Monday.
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