Himachal Pradesh Police’s Crime Investigation Department (CID) on Saturday launched a campaign to shun drugs from society.
The state’s Minister for Education Rohit Thakur started the campaign called PRADHAV (Wipe-Out) from Police headquarters in Shimla with the objective to rope in the youth of the state for the development of strategies for the eradication of drugs and narcotics from Himachal Pradesh. This campaign is focused on finding efficient and modern solutions to the rising problem of drug trafficking, drug abuse and the increasing number of youngsters getting attracted towards drugs precisely focusing towards synthetic drugs like heroin in the region.
About 60 young boys and girls participated in the brainstorming session here to give their suggestions. The written recommendations were also submitted by these youth here. During the event, a special recorded message by the Tibetan Spiritual leader the 14th Dalai Lama to shun the menace of drugs was also played.