Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhwindra Singh Sukhu on Wednesday said the Congress government had laid the foundation for systemic change in the first budget. The Congress government is consistently advancing the state towards self-reliance despite the challenges posed by natural disasters that have severely impacted the state, he said.

The CM highlighted the numerous steps taken in the direction of systemic change after assuming power. The detailed mention these initiatives was made in the inaugural speech by the Governor on the first day of the Assembly budget session. CM Sukhu shared this information on Wednesday within the premises of the State Assembly. He emphasized that the Congress government had prioritized systemic change in its first budget, striving to make the state self-reliant. Despite the challenging economic conditions, the government has provided relief to those affected by natural disasters. Furthermore, within a year, the Congress government has cracked down on corruption in Himachal Pradesh.

The sale of jobs in the selection commission was brought to light, prompting the government to conduct a thorough vigilance inquiry. It was discovered that this corrupt practice had been ongoing for quite some time.

The government has now put an end to this practice, marking a significant step in addressing corruption within its one-year tenure. CM Sukhu mentioned that the government is progressing with the vision of making Himachal Pradesh a Green State, and this has gained support among the public. The government is also amending laws concerning education quality, with a focus on maintaining standards in educational institutions.

The government believes that if institutions are allowed to operate without improvement in the quality of education, it would be a loss. Considering all aspects, the government is working diligently. Starting from the next session, English subjects will be introduced from the first grade. Children under six years of age will not be subjected to mental stress. Basic infrastructure in hospitals is being developed. The state government is also incorporating people’s feedback into the budget, recognizing it as their final voice.