Nani and Mrunal Thakur’s first look and glimpse video from their upcoming film Hi Nanna has been released. The makers shared the first look. In the first look, the actor is seen carrying the little girl on his shoulder as she gives a flying kiss to Mrunal standing behind him. The glimpse video introduces Nani, his daughter, and Mrunal. Sharing the poster and glimpse video on his official social media handle, Nani wrote, “Hi #Nani30 is #HiNanna. She calls me that…Not the little one ;).”
Have a look
The film is written and directed by Shouryuv. It marks her second film in Telugu after Sita Ramam. Talking about the film, the gorgeous Mrunal said, “Trust me, it is one of the best scripts I have ever read in my life. So it is very exciting. It’s out of the world.” Hi Nanna is produced by Mohan Cherukuri (CVM) and Dr Vijender Reddy Teegala under the banner Vyra Entertainments.
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