The Kerala High Court, has recently, rejected to grant bail to Balakrishnan Periyasamy Pillai, a Tamil Nadu native who stands accused of orchestrating a major drug smuggling operation involving over 217 kilograms of heroin, valued at approximately Rs. 1,500 crore.
The drugs were seized by the coast guard from two boats off the Kerala coast in May last year.
Justice Ziyad Rahman A.A., after a thorough examination of the evidence, has rejected the bail application of Balakrishnan Periyasamy Pillai.
The court determined that the materials on record, prima facie, indicate his involvement in the case. According to Justice A.A., granting bail to the accused in such a circumstance would convey a wrong message to society.
The court arrived at its decision based on a comprehensive analysis of call details records, cell tower locations, financial transactions, confession statements provided by other accused individuals, and other pertinent data related to Pillai, presented by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence.