Coronavirus significantly affects all aspects of the medical industry, however, as per official information, active coordination and recovery of public hospitals have expanded organ donations and transplantation programmes in Delhi.

Recently, AIIMS Delhi started doing lung transplants, and Army Hospital Research and Referral also restarted deceased donation and transplant programmes, whereas RML Hospital has started doing heart transplant surgeries.

To honour the heroes of society, the Organ Retrieval Banking Organisation (ORBO) and AIIMS conducted a donor Felicitation programme at AIIMS in New Delhi on Tuesday, and a total of 18 families were honoured by the director of AIIMS.

Through the years 2021–2022, ORBO cooperated with BSF to encourage organ and tissue donations through awareness campaigns and widespread pledge drives. A large number of officers and soldiers of the BSF pledged their organs and tissues to ORBO. The donor cards were handed over to the Commandant (Medical) of the BSF on Wednesday.

“Every year, we lose a significant number of patients to end-stage organ failure due to the non-availability of organs and tissues. We must dispel myths and fears and develop a positive attitude towards organ and tissue donations in society” Director of AIIMS Dr M Srinivas stated. He also thanked the donors and their families for the selfless act of saving so many lives during their difficult time.

Head of ORBO Prof. Arti Vij stated, “The process of organ retrieval to transplantation is very extensive, as it takes efficient coordination and teamwork between donor’s family, transplant coordinators, physician, transplant teams, support staff, forensic department, blood bank, laboratory department and police for the entire sequence of events to be seamless. Apart from these stakeholders, there are many hands that work for this noble cause. Several volunteers, NGOs, media organisations and society contribute effectively at large. I express my heartfelt gratitude to the donors and donor’s family foremost and to all key players that promote this continuity of life. ORBO maintains an exhaustive website and e-book in which the story of these divine souls and brave families are updated regularly so that their legacy lives on.”