A 60-year-old lady named Shivani Chakraborty, who hails from West Bengal, expressed her wish to meet Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan before she dies. The lady has been battling terminal cancer for years now. Interestingly, the Pathaan star fulfilled her wish.
One of his fan clubs took to social media and informed that King Khan spoke to his old fan on a video call. The actor spoke to her for 40 minutes virtually. He told Shivani that he will help financially. Also, King Khan invited himself to her daughter’s wedding. The fan club shared the details that read: “#ShahRukhKhan had a good warm 40 min chat with His FAN, Shivani Chakraborty, also Told He’ll help her financially & will attend Her Daughter’s Marriage & also He’ll Visit her & have a Fish Meal in her Home Kolkata. Undoubtedly, Biggest Yet Most Humble Star ever was, is & will.”
Have a look
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actor returned to films recently with Pathaan. Next, King Khan will be seen in Jawan. The film also features Nayanthara and Sanya Malhotra and will release in theatres on September 7. Besides this, he has Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki opposite Taapsee Pannu.
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