On Sunday night, Bollywood power couple Bipasha Basu and Karan Singh Grover shared a beautiful video on their respective social media handles as they offered a glimpse of their wedding celebration. In the video, they are seen cutting a mouthwatering mango cake. The gorgeous duo is seen twinning in black outfits and can also be seen feeding cake to each other. The caption of their post read, “7 beautiful years together as husband and wife. Happy anniversary my love.”
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On April 28, the talented actress shared a video from her and Karan’s court marriage to wish him on their special day.
Have a look
Reacting to their video, one of the fans wrote, “You two are the bestest- love you much.” Another wrote, “Oye hoye.” A third fan wrote, “My favourite pair.” Many dropped red heart and fire emojis. Meanwhile, on the professional front, Karan is ready to be seen in Fighter alongside Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor. Recently, he was seen jetting off to Assam to shoot for his part. The film is ready to hit theatres in January 2024.
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