During his visit to the iconic Cellular Jail in Port Blair, Andaman and Nicobar Islands where Vinayak Damodar Savarkar was imprisoned, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday lauded the valour of Veer Savarkar as a ‘freedom fighter’ and said this was the place where a resolution was taken that “no one can keep Mother India as a slave”. The union minister also extended his greetings on the occasion of Dussehra. Speaking at the iconic Cellular Jail in Port Blair, Shah said, “Today is Vijayadashami. We celebrate the day of Vijayadashami as a symbol of the victory of good over evil all over India. This pilgrimage site of freedom is also a symbol of the victory of good over evil, it was here that a resolution was taken that no one can keep Mother India as a slave.”
“Savarkar turned Cellular Jail into a ‘teerthsthan’ (shrine). He gave message to world that you may mete out as much torture as you want but can’t block his rights- ‘making my country independent is my birthright’, Savarkar accomplished this here,” said Shah.
He further said, “Today, I paid tributes to the respected, well-known freedom fighter of India, Veer Savarkar ji. It gave me a sense of pride as I visited this place. Under his preachings, guidance, the Modi government has completed seven years in power and our governance model is appreciated across the world.”
“Today for the second time I have got a chance to visit the ‘teerthsthan’ (shrine) of freedom fighters.”
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