Heavy showers lashed Jaipur overnight on Friday, affecting normal life and throwing traffic out of gear. Incessant rainfall, which began on Friday late night, left several areas in the Pink City submerged. The markets of the walled city, including the renowned Parakode Bazaar, were flooded as rains continued to pound the state capital. Both shopkeepers and shoppers were inconvenienced as rainwater gushed in and flooded their establlishments.
Kenya sends more officers to Haiti, reinforcing efforts to curb gang violence that has displaced…
Yoon Suk Yeol's detention was extended due to fears of evidence destruction in a martial…
The new underground missile base, capable of launching cruise missiles from advanced speedboats, underscores Iran's…
Iranian state media reports the judges were shot by an assailant who later took his…
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Kennedy's petition to halt vaccine approval in 2021 sparked controversy, advocating against mRNA vaccines and…