The Haryana Anti-Corruption Bureau team here on Tuesday apprehended Head Constable Anil Kumar, stationed at Sector 8 police station in Faridabad district, red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 3,000. The accused had demanded a bribe from the contractor in return for not stopping the cable laying work. Providing information about this, the Bureau spokesperson stated that the team had received a complaint alleging that Constable Anil Kumar, stationed at Sector 8 police station, Faridabad, had demanded a bribe of Rs 5,000 from the contractor to allow the cable work to proceed. A bribe of Rs 2000 had already been given by the complainant to the accused Anil Kumar.
Confirming the case, the Bureau team devised a plan and arrested the accused red-handed while accepting a bribe of Rs 3000. The entire operation was conducted fairly and transparently in the presence of witnesses. A case has been registered against accused Anil Kumar at the Anti-Corruption Bureau Faridabad Police Station, and he has been arrested.”
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