Karnataka High Court’s single bench of Justice Krishna Dixit referred petitions challenging the ban on hijab in colleges to a larger bench on Wednesday, even as Karnataka Police prohibited gatherings, agitations or protests of any type within an area of 200-metre radius from the gates of schools, PU colleges, degree colleges or other similar educational institutions in Bengaluru city for a time period of two weeks.
The High Court also said that a plea relating to seeking interim relief will also be considered by a larger bench. Earlier on Tuesday, the Karnataka High Court appealed to the student community and the public at large to maintain peace and tranquillity while hearing various pleas challenging a ban on hijab in the state.
The HC’s appeal came after the Advocate General apprised the court that there are some parallel agitations. Advocate General urged the High Court to issue an interim order that there should be no public protests or demonstrations.
Appearing for petitioners, Senior Advocate Devadatt Kamat, also apprised the Court about a video where a girl in hijab was being chased by boys. He also said that it agreed with Advocate General that law and order should be maintained and assured that as far as petitioners are concerned, they will not hold any protests on the streets. Advocate General said that since the court is already ceased the matter, the law should not be taken in hand by anyone.
The Court said that it requests the student community and the public at large to maintain peace and tranquillity. “This Court has full faith in the wisdom and virtue of public at large and it hopes that the same would be put to practice,” the Court said.
Meanwhile, the Karnataka Police on Wednesday prohibited gatherings, agitations or protests of any type within the area of 200-metre radius from the gates of schools, PU colleges, degree colleges or other similar educational institutions in Bengaluru city for a time period of two weeks with immediate effect, following developments around the hijab controversy in the state.
The order will remain in effect till 22 February.
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